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Predict BMI values a cubic splines mixed model regression with three splines parametrisation as random effect. This function also works for any model obtained using time_model().


predict_bmi(fit, start = 0.25, end = 10, step = 0.01, filter = NULL)



A model object from a statistical model such as from a call nlme::lme(), time_model() or egg_model().


The start of the time window to compute AP and AR.


The end of the time window to compute AP and AR.


The step to increment the sequence.


A string following data.table syntax for filtering on "i" (i.e., row elements), e.g., filter = "source == 'A'". Argument pass through compute_apar() (see predict_bmi()). Default is NULL.


A data.table object.


res <- egg_model(
  formula = log(bmi) ~ age,
  data = bmigrowth[bmigrowth[["sex"]] == 0, ],
  id_var = "ID",
  random_complexity = 1
#> Fitting model:
#>   nlme::lme(
#>     fixed = log(bmi) ~ gsp(age, knots = c(1, 8, 12), degree = rep(3, 4), smooth = rep(2, 3)),
#>     data = data,
#>     random = ~ gsp(age, knots = c(1, 8, 12), degree = rep(1, 4), smooth = rep(2, 3)) | ID,
#>     na.action = stats::na.omit,
#>     method = "ML",
#>     control = nlme::lmeControl(opt = "optim", niterEM = 25, maxIter = 500, msMaxIter = 500)
#>   )

#>        egg_id egg_ageyears  egg_bmi
#>        <char>        <num>    <num>
#>     1:    082         0.25 16.21582
#>     2:    082         0.26 16.29086
#>     3:    082         0.27 16.36399
#>     4:    082         0.28 16.43521
#>     5:    082         0.29 16.50453
#>    ---                             
#> 48796:    068         9.96 30.83642
#> 48797:    068         9.97 30.85793
#> 48798:    068         9.98 30.87946
#> 48799:    068         9.99 30.90100
#> 48800:    068        10.00 30.92255

## For multiple sources of measures or multiple measures at one age
dta <- bmigrowth[bmigrowth[["sex"]] == 0, ]
dta[["source"]] <- c("A", "B")[rbinom(n = nrow(dta), size = 1, prob = 0.65) + 1]

res <- egg_model(
  formula = log(bmi) ~ age + source,
  data = dta,
  id_var = "ID",
  random_complexity = 1
#> Fitting model:
#>   nlme::lme(
#>     fixed = log(bmi) ~ gsp(age, knots = c(1, 8, 12), degree = rep(3, 4), smooth = rep(2, 3)) + source,
#>     data = data,
#>     random = ~ gsp(age, knots = c(1, 8, 12), degree = rep(1, 4), smooth = rep(2, 3)) | ID,
#>     na.action = stats::na.omit,
#>     method = "ML",
#>     control = nlme::lmeControl(opt = "optim", niterEM = 25, maxIter = 500, msMaxIter = 500)
#>   )

predict_bmi(res)[order(egg_id, egg_ageyears)]
#> Warning: Multiple BMI measures (for the same age) have been detected and are aggregated using geometric mean!
#> Use "filter" (or "filter" in `run_eggla_lmm()`) parameter to apply some filtering, e.g., filter = "source == 'clinic'".
#>        egg_id egg_ageyears  egg_bmi
#>        <char>        <num>    <num>
#>     1:    001         0.25 18.42096
#>     2:    001         0.26 18.50635
#>     3:    001         0.27 18.58958
#>     4:    001         0.28 18.67063
#>     5:    001         0.29 18.74953
#>    ---                             
#> 48796:    099         9.96 33.73105
#> 48797:    099         9.97 33.75703
#> 48798:    099         9.98 33.78303
#> 48799:    099         9.99 33.80905
#> 48800:    099        10.00 33.83508

predict_bmi(res, filter = "source == 'A'")[order(egg_id, egg_ageyears)]
#>        egg_id egg_source egg_ageyears  egg_bmi
#>        <char>     <char>        <num>    <num>
#>     1:    001          A         0.25 18.39947
#>     2:    001          A         0.26 18.48476
#>     3:    001          A         0.27 18.56789
#>     4:    001          A         0.28 18.64885
#>     5:    001          A         0.29 18.72765
#>    ---                                        
#> 48796:    099          A         9.96 33.69170
#> 48797:    099          A         9.97 33.71765
#> 48798:    099          A         9.98 33.74362
#> 48799:    099          A         9.99 33.76960
#> 48800:    099          A        10.00 33.79560